Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hear A Newly-Surfaced Rachel B. Track!

What A Holiday treat! We have a "brand new" cover song from Rachel, along with an unfinished music video! This time Rachel takes on Cypress Hill's classic "How I Could Just Kill A Man"  Rachel's not the only artist to take on the track, it was also famously covered by Rage Against The Machine back in the year...Anyway! Check out Rachel's newly discovered version as well as RATM's and tell us which one you like best!

aaah, goodbuhye:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the almost anti-emotional kindetgarten moral perspective from Rachel B's version. A young brute wondering how someone could just kill a man. After researching several murder cases, I've come to the conclusion that some people just kill a man. But, to semi-stay on topic, sometimes things like contemplating murder are more enojoyable without actual lyrical passion and that is why I prefer the Rachel B an extent. All of it sounded so familiar...hmmm

    Does anyone on this dildy site remember "Cousin Skeeter" from Nickelodeon? Sounds just like him, it makes me question whether this version is valid...not trying to offend Rachel B or nuthin' just saying...sounds very similar..

    --why I deleted previous comment? Grammatical errors.

  3. I don't want to create conflict but, I find it very hard to believe this was newly surfaced. Whe I questioned the performer she had no knowledge that this audio even existed. It makes me question the notions of the "presenter". Newly surfaced or illegally gathered? Offense meant.
